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Episode 1 – Get to know Rach

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On the very first episode of the show, I want all of you to get to know me! I’ll be sharing my background, how my health journey got started, and where I’m at today. Topics include: My hobbies, relationship, and professional life along with Whole30, food allergies, anxiety, and my experience with the Pill.
During the episode I reference:
  1. The enneagram personality test, which you can find for free on Google. I recommend taking a few different version of the test for the most accurate rating (I got 3 on all of them!)
  2. My current doctor, Dr. Erin Ellis, who you can follow on Instagram here. If you live in Arizona, she is able to treat you and I highly recommend her if you’re looking for a NMD.
  3. The book Beyond the Pill written by Dr. Jolene Brighten, which is my go-to recommendation for anyone on hormonal birth control or looking to get off of it (for any reason, not just to get pregnant).
If you enjoy the episode, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed, left me a review, or shared the episode on social and tagged me!
Be well, stay real,
– Rach